6 Advantages of Using a Cloud-Based EHR for Your Orthopedic Practice

EHRs have transformed the orthopedic industry. Their ability to positively influence patient care, ROI (return on investment), productivity and workflow depends on the system you use. A cloud-based EHR designed specifically for orthopedics can offer substantial advantages for smaller groups.

  1. Ease of Access

The ideal EHR provides instant access to vital information such as lab reports, patient records and other crucial data — regardless of where you might be at any given moment. Providing patients with access to their own records improves patient engagement while increasing continuity of care. Cloud-based EHR systems are able to fulfill this role.

  1. Smooth Implementation

A cloud-based EHR runs solely on the Internet with no server to purchase and maintain. This means that implementation of such systems is simple and efficient. Your orthopedic practice will enjoy a quicker ROI as well as minimal disruptions to your productivity.

  1. Effortless Scaling

Whether your orthopedic practice is well established or you’re trying to start a brand new facility, any EHR system you use needs to offer easy scalability. Being able to dynamically expand your practice without worries of overtaxing the structure of your EHR is essential.

  1. Saves Space

Unlike an in-house EHR which requires a physical server and a secured location within the practice, a cloud-based EHR takes up no room other than client workstations. In fact, because the EHR is not physically located on site, you can utilize your space more efficiently without compromising data storage.

  1. More Affordable

The initial installation costs of an in-house EHR can be surprisingly steep. Consider all the equipment, software and licensing that is required to do so. In comparison, an EHR that is cloud based has none of those associated costs. A cloud-based EHR enables you to tap into a system that works on-demand for your needs and allows you to pay as you go with minimal up-front costs and no maintenance fees to pay.

  1. Increased Security

HIPAA requirements mean that your EHR system must retain a certain level of security. Paper systems and those that are utilized at the in-house level can leave sensitive information vulnerable to breaches due to improper use by employees as well as physical threats like floods, fires and other natural disasters. Cloud-based EHR systems are not only HIPAA compliant, they also adhere to the latest in encryption methods to protect data.

Choosing the right EHR system now allows you to benefit from its many advantages while offering top-tier services to your patients. Cloud-based EHRs provide forward-thinking technology that is designed to help today’s orthopedic practice grow and thrive.