How can practices successfully implement patient portals for MU?

The health care industry is beginning to use patient portals not only on a nationwide level, but internationally as well.

CMS releases 2015 EHR edition certification criteria

According to the Journal of the American Health Information Management Association, in addition to the stage 3 meaningful use criteria, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have released this year's EHR certification criteria.

Major health care organizations respond to stage 3 MU ruling

The proposed stage 3 meaningful use standards issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have been opened for public comment and have received a sea of feedback from organizations throughout the health care industry.

CMS releases proposed stage 3 MU ruling

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently published a list of potential rules and requirements for the upcoming stage 3 meaningful use regulations.

Behavioral health EHRs on the rise

Many experts believe that health IT that caters to behavioral and mental health patients will become increasingly popular over the coming months.

AMA calls for ICD-10 backup plan

The American Medical Association recently wrote a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services asking it to make preparations for a possible ICD-10 failure.

What should physicians look for in an EHR vendor?

With so many organizations planning on investing in an EHR system in 2015, many are wondering how to choose the right vendor.

EHR adoption increases as industry aims to improve care quality and patient safety

As the health care industry aims to improve patient safety and care quality, more hospitals and providers plan to adopt new health IT in 2015.

Survey shows federal regulations may put strain on health care industry

Many health care providers of both large and small practices have experienced difficulties meeting the regulatory demands imposed by the Department of Health & Human Services.

WEDI releases tips for small practice ICD-10 testing

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange recently published a guide for small practices hoping to participate in successful ICD-10 testing.

PQRS deadline extended for providers using EHR reporting method

The CMS recently announced it has pushed the submission deadline for Physician Quality Reporting System participation to March 20.

IOM makes new suggestion for stage 3 MU

The IOM urged the government to include behavioral health data and patient socioeconomic status in the new regulations.

Report shows EHR integration improves lean production strategies

According to a new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, EHR systems assist practices in lean production strategies. 

CMS announces success of recent ICD-10 testing

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services officially completed the first week of end-to-end ICD-10 testing.

CMS reminds EPs of MU Public Health Objectives deadline

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently sent out a reminder to eligible professionals striving to adhere to the stage 2 meaningful use requirements in 2015.

New study shows provider satisfaction with EHRs

A recent survey taken by Behavioral Healthcare magazine showed that its readers use their EHR systems for nearly all aspects of their day-to-day workflow and are satisfied with them.
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Idaho Hand Institute

The Idaho Hand Institute has been providing excellence in treating upper extremity conditions for patients in the Pocatello, Idaho area since 2013.

Black Book gives insight into future HIE spending and expansion

The recent Black Book HIE survey highlighted how a shift from volume to value has pushed physicians to start investing in HIEs differently.