Medstrat Referral Program

Welcome Medstrat sales team! Exscribe is excited to offer the mutual referral program and look forward to your participation. Please complete the fields below and select the Register Now button. This will log your participation in our database and send you a confirmation email. The VP of Sales will then contact you to verify the account is indeed open for referral. In the event that the efforts of the individual listed below result in a bona fide sale of Exscribe EHR to the Prospect listed below within 180 days of such individual’s referring Exscribe to such Prospect, the individual will receive approved compensation for their efforts, following receipt by Exscribe of payment in full for that Exscribe EHR. For the avoidance of doubt, such compensation shall be based solely on the initial sale of the Exscribe EHR, and no further compensation shall be due as a result of any service contract entered into between Exscribe and a Prospect.

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