Tag Archive for: orthopedic

What Are The Basic Features Of A Quality EHR System?
Whether you're just starting out or upgrading your current electronic…

4 Trends in Healthcare Technology to Watch
It's no surprise that the healthcare industry continues to embrace…

Understanding the Importance of a Custom Orthopedic EHR System
Benefits of an Orthopedic Specific EHR
With a customizable EHR…

Popping the Hood: An In-Depth Look at EHR Goals and Capabilities
When you're looking at EHR systems, it's easy to get bogged down…

What is MACRA and How Does It Impact Orthopedic Practices?
MACRA is an Act that supersedes the current Medicare reimbursement…

4 Ways Patients Benefit From EHR’s
It is no secret that electronic healthcare records are revolutionizing…

Technological Trends Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry
Every year there are technological trends that revolutionize…

The Importance of EHR Software that is Customizable
Changing right before our eyes, the healthcare industry continues…

How Does an Orthopedic EHR System Boost Office Productivity?
The Medical Group Management Association conducted a survey and…

How EHR can Improve Patient Outcomes in Orthopedics
EHRs have become a standard in today's medical practice. But…

Top 5 Ways to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Payment Cycles
Patient satisfaction and payment go hand-in-hand. Many orthopedic…

Best Practices to Upgrade EHR for Physician Usability
There is no shortage of reasons to upgrade the EHR for your…

What’s Driving the Market Growth of Orthopedic Software?
It's clear that medical software has been a game-changer for…

4 Ways Orthopedic Practices Benefit from a Specialty EHR System
The healthcare industry has lagged behind others when it comes…

7 Top Essential IT Investments for Your Practice
When you're operating an orthopaedic practice, IT may be one…

What Should An Orthopedic Staff Know About Bundled Payments
Orthopedic surgeons don't get into their profession for the…

Top 5 Ways to Improve Patient Engagement in Your Orthopaedic Practice
For your orthopaedic practice to thrive, it's important to change…